A Real Slow Drag

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The following directions for the Slow Drag are included in the original music.

Directions for the Slow Drag

1. The Slow Drag must begin on the first beat of each measure.
2. When moving forward, drag the left foot; when moving backward, drag the right foot.
3. When moving sideways to the right, drag left foot; when moving sideways to left, drag right foot.
4. When prancing, your steps must come on each beat of the measure.
5. When marching and when sliding, your steps must come on the first and the third beat of each measure.
6. Hop and skip on second beat of each measure. Double the Schottische step to fit the slow music.


(Treemonisha and Lucy stand on a bench in the rear of room. [They salute their partners and all execute the dance as called by Treemonisha and Lucy])



Salute your partner, do the drag.
Stop and move backward, do the drag.
All of you stop.

Look to your right and do the drag.
To your left, that's the way.

(All stop, salute partners, and then march, doing the dude walk.)


Marching onward, marching onward,
Marching to that lovely tune;
Marching onward, marching onward,
Happy as a bird in June.
Sliding onward, sliding onward,
Listen to that rag.

Hop and skip,
Now do that Slow Drag.

Dance slowly, prance slowly,
While you hear that pretty rag.
Dance slowly, prance slowly,
Now you do the real Slow Drag.

Walk slowly, talk lowly,


Listen to that rag.
Hop and skip,
Now do that Slow Drag.


Move along, don't stop,
(All Schottische)
Don't stop dancing,
Drag along.

Move along, don't stop,
(All Schottische)
Don't stop dancing,
Drag along,
(All Slow Drag)
Doing the real Slow Drag.

Move along, don't stop, etc.


Marching onward, marching onward, etc.

(All march, doing the dude walk.)


Dance slowly, prance slowly,
While you hear that pretty rag.
Dance slowly, prance slowly,
Now you do the real Slow Drag.

Walk slowly, talk lowly,
Listen to that rag.
Hop and skip,
Now do that Slow Drag.


End of Opera.